Tuesday 24 October 2023

White-rumped Munia

White-rumped munia (Lonchura striata, 白腰文鳥).

They are not uncommon in Changsha, yet I rarely see more than a glimpse of them, darting through vine-laden trees around the lakes and river. Sometimes, but rarely, I see them around the wild base of Yuelu Mountain. This one was by the roadside, near the north of Xianjia Lake (咸嘉湖).

Today was warm and the river was suddenly lower than it has been in months, exposing insects and bringing a plurality of different birds near the waters. Though the moderately dry woods and hills likely contributed to the sudden avian enthusiasm for the river as well. I hope to see many new birds soon: both winter travellers and forest-dwellers out for food and water.

White-rumped Munia in Changsha