Friday 8 September 2023


John Gower (c. 1330-1408), The Complete Works of John Gower, 4 vols, ed. by G.C. Macaulay (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1899-1902), vol. II (1901), p. 317 [Confessio Amantis, IV.573-87]:

For as a man that sodeinli
A gost behelde, so fare I;
So that for feere I can noght gete
Mi witt, bot I miself foryete,
That I wot never what I am,
Ne whider I schal, ne whenne I cam,
Bot muse as he that were amased.
Lich to the bok in which is rased
The lettre, and mai nothing be rad,
So ben my wittes overlad,
That what as evere I thoghte have spoken,
It is out fro myn herte stoken,
And stonde, as who seith, doumb and def,
That all nys worth an yvy lef,
Of that I wende wel have seid.