Thursday 2 November 2023

Bridget Jones: A Missing Scene

Salman Rushdie, Joseph Anton: A Memoir (London: Vintage, 2013), pp. 605-606:

The party scene took two days to film. RenĂ©e Zellweger stuck to her English accent all the time, even off-camera, so that he [Rushdie] had the odd feeling of meeting Bridget Jones, not the actress playing her. Colin Firth was funny and welcoming. “I secretly hope you’re going to be lousy at this, because I can’t write books.” And Hugh Grant kissed him. There was a scene in which he and Hugh were supposed to greet each other as long-lost friends, and before one of the takes Hugh asked, “Do you mind if I kiss you in this one?” and then planted a major smacker right on his amazed mouth. The scene didn’t make it into the final cut of the movie. His first screen kiss, he thought, and it was with Hugh Grant!, and it ended up on the cutting-room floor.