Sunday 13 August 2023

Heaven as a Lecture Hall

Origen of Alexandria (c. 185-254), explaining what paradise will be like, imagines Heaven as a school, where you spend eternity listening to lectures:

Puto enim quod sancti quique discedentes de hac vita permanebunt in loco aliquo in terra posito, quem paradisum dicit Scriptura divina, velut in quodam eruditionis loco, et, ut ita dixerim, auditorio vel schola animarum in quo de omnibus his quae in terris viderant, doceantur, indicia quoque quaedem accipiant etiam de consequentibus et futuris, sicut in hac quoque vita positi indicia quaedam futurorum, licet per speculum et aenigmata, tamen ex aliqua parte conceperant, quae manifestius et lucidius sanctis in suis et locis et temporibus revelantur.

I think verily that all the saints who depart from this life will remain somewhere on earth, which Holy Scripture calls ‘paradise’, as in some place of learning, and, so to speak, a lecture-room or school of souls in which they are to be educated in all things which they had seen on earth, and in which they also receive some information concerning things which are to happen in the future, as even in this life they discerned some indications of future events, although as though a looking-glass and mysteries, yet they had received in some part, what is revealed plainly and clearly to the saints in their own places and times.
Origen, De principiis, II.11.6, Patrologia graeca, 11, cols. 245-46. From the abridged Latin translation of Tyrannius Rufinus (344/345–411). The original Greek is lost. Cf. ‘per speculum in aenigmate’ (Vulgata, 1 Cor. 13:12).