Monday 12 August 2024

The Best Thing About an Influence

Rosemary Tonks, Bedouin of the London Evening (Hexham: Blookaxe Books, 2014), p. 102 [Interview with Peter Orr; pp. 94-104]:

ORR: Have there been any writers, though, that have been a notable influence on you?

TONKS: All the great writers from Shakespeare to Chekhov, practically all French literature.

ORR: You have never found yourself writing like them and having to stop yourself consciously?

TONKS: Everybody does. The best thing about an influence is to realise it and to swallow it, and never to throw it away. It is like throwing away all the advantages of metre or rhyme, everything must be grist to your mill. You want to be on guard, but not afraid.