Monday 12 February 2024

A Latin Poem for Spring

Morten Børup (1446-1526):

      In vernalis temporis ortu laetabundo,
      Dum recessum frigoris nuntiat hirundo,
Terrae, maris, nemoris decus adest deforis, renovato mundo,  
Vigor redit corporis, cedit dolor pectoris, tempore iucundo,
      Terra vernat floribus, et nemus virore,
      Aves mulcent cantibus et vocis dulcore,
Aqua tempestatibus caret, aer imbribus, dulci plenus rore,
Sol, consumptis nubibus, radiis patentibus lucet cum decore.
      O! quam mira gloria, quantum decus Dei!
      Quanta resplendentia suae faciei!
A quo ducunt omnia, summa, ima, media, formam speciei,
Magis haec distantia, quam sit differentia noctis et diei.
      When springtime rises joyful,
      Whilst the swallow heralds the frost’s retreat,
The beauty of earth, sea and forest appears outside, the world is renewed,
The body’s strength returns, and the heart’s sorrow fades,
in this pleasant time,
      The earth abounds with flowers and the woods with greenery,
      The birds flatter with songs and sweet tunes,
The water is undisturbed by storms, the air with rain, is filled with a sweet spray,
The sun, having devoured the clouds, shines
beautifully in illuming rays.
      O! What wondrous glory, how great is God’s splendour!
      How resplendent is His countenance!
From which all things, high and low and in between proceed,
Though the disparity between God and His creation is greater than between night and day.

Albert Thura, Idea historiae litterariae Danorum (Hamburg: sumtibus Theodori Christophori Felgineri, 1723), pp. 71-72 with typos plexus (7) and dictantia (12). My translation.
Lake in Wangling Park