This portrait of Ferdinand von Plettenberg (1690-1737) is from the Schloss Nordkirchen in Westphalia.
The following is a transcription of the writing at the bottom of the portrait.
Left Panel:
LaVrIs ornan per faCta notanDa proba
DVs tVs.
Est FerDInan PLettenberg stIpIte na
EX zeLo pat gratas sIbI DeserIt
rIæ oras.
Terras BaVa peragranDas fLore DeC
e qVIbVs Ipse BaVarVM fLorente VIg
DVXIt ore.
AVgVstVs Leo re per WestphaLa regna nIt
Ars hæC In Cæ SteLLIs aLbata pates
Lo Cet.
non VnqVaM Ve nIgrICante neCata senes
Right Panel:
O fortVna ALphæ PaDeræqVe CLI
tos entes.
Monstro sInVs gra fortes persIstIte g
CLeMens AVg VobIs eX asse fa
VstVs VebIt.
Verè DVX I terras VIrtVte fo
Hos ferDIn popVLos sVasore reg
anDo ente.
SaCro sIgno bL rIDebIt gente stVp
Ergo SaCer Cr per fLorea saCVLa prIn
esCas Ceps.
Et tV fLor tItVLIs FernanDe DeIn
This forms the following poem in leonine hexameters:
Lauris ornandus per facta notanda probatus.My translation:
Est Ferdinandus Plettenberg stipite natus.
Ex zelo patriae gratas sibi deserit oras.
Terras Bavariae peragrandas flore decoras.
E quibus ipse duxit Bavarum florente vigore.
Augustus Leo reduxit per Westphala regna nitore.
Ars haec in caelo stellis albata patescet.
non unquam velo nigricante necata senescet.
O fortunatos alphae paderaeque clientes
Monstro sinus gratos fortes persistite gentes.
Clemens augustus vobis ex asse favebit.
Vere dux iustus terras virtute fovebit.
Hos Ferdinando populos suasore regente.
Sacro signo blando ridebit gente stupente.
Ergo sacer crescas per florea sacula princeps.
Et tu florescas titulis Fernande deinceps.
Honoured with laurels for his commendable deeds,
Ferdinand von Plettenberg was born of noble stock.
Out of zeal for his fatherland he abandoned pleasant shores,
He travelled the Bavarian landscape adorned with flowers,
Where he governs the Bavarians with his flourishing vigour.
Augustus Leo returned to the Westphalian kingdom in style.
This art will appear in the white sky amongst the stars.
It will never grow old, suppressed by a blackened veil.
O fortunate tributaries of the Aa and Pader rivers
A strong people support your pleasing banks in wonder.
Clemens August will favour you alone.
A just leader will truly sustain the lands though his virtue,
When these people are ruled by the good counsel of Ferdinand,
He will jest charmingly at an astonished nation with a sacred sign.
Therefore, sacred prince may you thrive through the flowery ages.
And may you, Ferdinand, increase in one distinction after another.
Each couplet forms the chronogram ‘1719’.
Ferdinand von Plettenberg was from Westphalia, hence the geographical references to the Aa and Pader rivers. In the year of this painting, 1719, he was appointed the Elector of Cologne and Elector of Bavaria Privy Councillor, though the poem is subtle about the nature of his successes in Bavaria.
He also held the positions was Chief Chamberlain and Hereditary Marshal to the Prince-elector Clemens August of Bavaria, who is named in line 11.
facta notanda, cf. Ovid, Her. II.86.